The Art and Craft of
with beloved author
Judith Berger
Sunday, September 26th
9:30am - 12:30pm
At its best, writing about nature captures not only the more than human world through words, but brings forth human feeling from deep within us.
Words can shimmer and rumble, crack us open with the force of a thunderclap, breathing life into us much in the way that our time spent engaging with the natural world transforms us in ways beyond words.
Poems, journal writing and essays grounded in our direct perception of nature, can create a bridge between the sylvan, stupendous environment that is the physical body of the earth and our inner lives.
Please join herbalist, and writer Judith Berger (author of one of our all time favorite herbals, Herbal Rituals!) for a time of focused listening to and writing about the natural world.
In this three-hour hands-on writing class, we will look at a few examples of the finest writing in each of the forms mentioned above, and use various exercises to begin to craft our own pieces. We can practice both expanding our senses to take in the natural world more precisely, and then use language to convey the way place has impacted us, restored us, nurtured us, transformed us, and brought us home to ourselves.
WHEN: Sunday, September, 26th. 9:30am – 12:30 pm
WHERE: Shimmering Light Farm & Renewal Center, Naples, NY 14512
This workshop will take place in the gardens, fields and forest of the farm. There are various covered spaces in the case of inclement weather.
TUITION: Suggested tuition is on a sliding scale from $60-$75. Please indicate on the registration form if you would like to apply to the Environmental Access Fund for tuition assistance. If you would like to contribute towards tuition assistance for others, please click here: Environmental Access Fund.
REGISTER HERE Space is limited!
The great Naples Grape Festival is also this weekend! We planned the workshop so you could attend in the morning then take off for lunch and fun at the festival if you so desire.
Check out Judith's website featuring her writing, book and more!
You can peruse and order Judith's book, Herbal Rituals here!