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Nature Inspired Workshops

Forests, Gardens, Orchards & Regenerative Systems

- Amazing Permaculture -

Water Stewards is pleased to present this workshop series.

Join us to discover some of the most effective, life-giving permaculture practices

used for centuries around the world!


- 2019 Summer Workshop Series for Teens and Young Adults -


Nature Inspired Resilience

(Regenerative Systems for Food & Water)

-Amazing Permaculture-

This 2019 Summer Workshop Series for Teen and Young Adults

will meet at 10:00am-2:00pm on these dates:​

Thursday July 11

Friday July 12

Thursday August 15

Friday August 16


Shimmering Light Farm

Join us and put your handprint on the finale of this 3-year nature-inspired program that began with teens in 2017!


At each session, we will have fun exploring and learning cool insights from our extraordinary natural eco system!


We will:

  • read the landscape and learn from the patterns in nature

  • install earthworks for water and food

  • understand nature’s way for edible guilds, the plants, and using our natural resources

  • hear about the principles from Permaculture that are used around the world to heal our land, restore resilient systems in any climate/location, and provide perpetual life-giving food and water.


On each Friday, we will share and demonstrate our new insights with several community groups as we complete our nature-inspired projects.

We continue to be in awe of nature as we work in support of the full eco-cycle/system. The food gardens are giant, thick, robust and bountiful. Even during a 4-week, scary drought in 2018, no watering was needed. With excitement, we must share these techniques with you.

Additional Electives:

After completion of this core learning and hands-on laboratory work at the Shimmering Light demonstration site, students may choose two electives: 1. a field trip to an eye-opening nursery of perennial edibles where you can each purchase your own plants for your own guild. 2. Following the field trip, each will have an opportunity to pick a date and a location for the group to come to do your guild installation.


We are happy to offer grant-supported tuition to each of our teen and young adult students enrolled in this program. Tuition will be free of charge. All our efforts were rewarded by this wonderful gift, provided by the Guido and Ellen Palma Foundation, and we are so grateful.


The elective field trip cost may include: your meal money and a possible cost for guild plant purchases. After we solidify our dates for those electives, more details will follow about the potential meal and plant costs.


This program also qualifies for community service. If you have paperwork that needs completed or signed in order to receive your community service hours, then please bring it with you. 






  • No experience is necessary.

  • Bring your lunch and join us for this rewarding experience in a beautiful setting. 

  • Invite your friends to come along!

  • Most of our students plan to attend all 4 sessions. If that is not possible for you, we hope you will be able to attend at least two of the sessions. Please let Kay know if you have attendance concerns.



If you have any questions, please contact Kay at (585-733-9621 


Stay Tuned.

Autumn Workshops for the Community will be Announced.



Shimmering Light Farm & Renewal Center is a non-profit educational community farm in South Bristol, operating for the last 20 years. During the summer drought of 2016, the farm well ran too low for production - a highly stressful time for the plants, the farmers, the CSA and Herb Circle Members. We explored many options to ensure future water for the farm. We were blessed to receive a 3-year grant from the Guido and Ellen Palma Foundation to develop a regenerative water system at the farm using permaculture principles. Since April 2017, we have worked with teens under the program name "Water Stewards" to trial phase one of the project and now have their demonstration areas in place. Art is also a key component of the program. We use a variety of inspirational environmental artistic methods to document and educate as well as to install structure and shapes needed for every farm project. Water Stewards is pleased to expand our programming to offer workshops for youth in grades 5-12, college students and adults. Lead facilitator is Kay Megorden-Staten (certified in permaculture design, owner of Pure Nourish Food & Apothecary Forest). She is joined by Sarah Mongeau (artist and social justice advocate);  Marnie Lersch (Environmental Artist and Arts Administrator).  Guest instructors include Nadia Harvieux (Finger Lakes Institute at Hobart and William Smith Colleges), Angela Cannon (FLCC), Edith Davey (Ontario County Soil & Water) Sean Dembrowsky (Permaculture Design, Edible Acres). Future nature partners and instructors will be announced.

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