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Education and event registrations are requested within

48 hours of the event, unless otherwise noted.


Please follow the registration instructions for each individual event.



All programs are led by professional educators with passion for people and our planet! They will inform and inspire you to deepen your relationship with the natural world and with one another.



All programs take place at Shimmering Light

Renewal Center

6143 Hicks Road

Naples, NY 14512

flower essence course.jpg


2021 Offerings coming soon!



Saturday, March 21st!


Morning:  Spring into New Skin: Herbal Make & Take

Afterno0n: Productive Orchards: Permaculture & Spring Pruning


SPRING INTO NEW SKIN: Herbal Make & Take

9:301m - 12:30pm

As winter recedes and the green world unfurls, we embrace the beginning of a new cycle, a new season. When spring arrives we explore a most delightful ritual of renewal - self-love through skin-care.

Spring into New Skin with us!  Join us around the table as we mix, measure, and laugh, working with our beloved herbal allies grown and gathered with care to craft nurturing skin care products.   We will create some of our favorite, time tested products including Rosemary’s Famous Face Cream, Facial Cleansing Grains, and Queen of Hungary’s Water Astringent. 

Learn to make each product and take your own self-made set home with you. 

Your Herbal Guides:  Deborah Denome, Shannon Hess and Asha Sukha

Suggested Tuition:  $45-$65 or contribute what you can.  Value of the products you will take home is $40.

Registration:  Space is Limited.  Advance Registration Required HERE

Bring a bag lunch and stay on to learn about our new MEMBERSHIP MODEL!   AND/OR...

PRODUCTIVE ORCHARDS: Permaculture & Spring Pruning

1:30 - 4:30pm

Perhaps you already have an orchard or perhaps you are starting with one fruit tree.  Join us for valuable insights and practices to gain the most productivity from your orchard.   Discover principles from Permaculture as we examine our role and inputs that will aid in a food forest ecosystem and nourishing food and yields, all chemical free.

Join us to consider tree and plant types, soil,  guilds, interactions and proper methods of spring time pruning.  Enjoy hands-on learning & pruning practice at our permaculture demonstration site for orchards.  This is a perfect time to immerse in these lessons from nature so you can get started with your productive orchards and food forests.

Your Orchard Guides:  Kay Megorden-Staten and Mike O'Reilly

Suggested Tuition:  $25 - $45 or contribute what you can.

Registration:  Advance Registration Requested HERE


Sunday, NEXT DATE TBA Soon

5:00 - 7:30pm

Registration:  Space is limited.  Registration Requested by the Friday before each Red Tent.  REGISTER HERE

Dear Sisters,

Over the ages women have gathered under the dark of the new moon all over the world to nurture and support one another.  The gathering place may have been a Red Tent, Moon Lodge, Menstrual Hut, Dark Moon Meeting or something else.  Whatever the name, women knew that they were going to sink into this renewal space once a month to lavish in feminine energy, hear the whispers of their inner wisdom, and replenish their strength and courage to live into their fullest expression. The gifts received were carried back to share in Love with family, community and the Earth herself. 


How might your Life be different if you savored this sacred connection with each changing moon?  How might our World be different if we all did?


Come…join us in the Tent and journey back in time.  Draw back the red curtain and feel the hand of sisterhood extended to you. Sink below your roles in the world and the machinations of the mind.  Curl up in our cozy nest of dancing candlelight, inviting scents and enchanting music.  Drop into your belly and your ancient feminine wisdom.  Soften into the present moment.  Breathe deep into communion with Mother Earth and other women.  You are welcome here.


Each month we will explore the mystery that lies in your inner knowing and learn ancient practices for nourishing our feminine wholeness in the safety of our warm “Red Tent”. 


Dates & Time:

We gather once a month, which commenced around the New Moon cycle but is flowing as we go. Usually a Sunday evening from 5-7:30 pm.

​Your offering:

Sliding Scale of $25-$45 (your choice) and an open heart 

If you have a friend who you would love to join you, whisper into her ear a welcome.

Registration:  Space is limited to 12. Last month we had 11 so please register as soon as you know you will be attending to save your space.   REGISTER HERE


Holders of the Circle:

Deb Denome has been participating in and holding women’s circles for over 25 years.  She has been blessed to be held in loving circles by wise women elders including Linda Heron Wind, Lynne Kliman, Beth Garrigus, Rocio Alarcon, Rosemary Gladstar, Sky Maria-Buitenhuis and more.  Deb is passionate about the expansion of human consciousness as it informs our Interdependence with All Things.  She explores consciousness through her relationships as an educator, herbalist and nature therapy guide with people, plants, animals, minerals and many unseen beings.  Deb has also developed a highly conscious relationship with the ebb and flow of her feminine cycles over three decades, which has enabled her to access more wisdom, grace and love in the process. As Spirit Sister with many women, she looks forward to holding this space with different guest Circle Holders each month.      




Mid Winter Bliss!

Saturday, February 22nd

12:30pm – 6pm



As the outer world is quietly blanketed with snow (or not!), the inner seed lies pregnant with possibilities.  This seed requires stillness and the crystalline mineralization process found in the chaotic freeze thaw cycles for it to continue its metamorphosis.

Sink into the shimmering beauty of winter as we nourish our own inner seeds for the year ahead.  Commencing with a crisp forest bathing walk with Deb, we will commune with the crystal beings and the magnificent White Pine grove at the farm.  Perhaps they will share their gifts to add to a hot herb mineral foot soak that will warm our bodies upon our return. 

Melting into the vapors, we can be freed to float for a spell in restorative inspired yoga postures with the use of comfy props. Once our body feels pampered, warm and cozy, we will rest int1418o gentle stillness. There, Asha will guide Yoga Nidra techniques, which ease us into our innermost beings. Within this inner landscape, we will plant seeds of intention (sankalpa) into the fertile soil of our embodied beings. 

Gently bringing ourselves back into our bodies we will likely be craving some physical sustenance to fuel our seeds’ growth.  Enter a spread of deeply nourishing finger foods while we make our own medicinal chocolate truffles of pure life force energy!   Hey, if we are going to savor chocolate, why not be it a truly alchemical experience?! 

Space is very limited.  Register soon HERE!

Suggested Tuition Donation: $65-$85

Facilitators: Deborah Denome, Forest Therapy Guide/Herbalist

                        Asha Sukha, Yoga and Meditation Guide


Saturday, December 21st

5 - 8pm

22nd Annual Evergreen Candlelight Spiral
& Potluck Supper!


Evergreen Candlelight Spiral at 5pm, outdoors weather permitting or in the cozy Gathery loft otherwise.

Join us as we embrace the unknown of the Dark... the darkest places in ourselves and our world.  We will invite the return of the Light that can guide us through the long, introspective winter to greater clarity and purpose for new seasons ahead. 

Potluck immediately following, please bring a dish or dessert or snack to share.


RSVPs requested via Email

Resuming in the Spring! GENTLE YOGA at the FARM -

Gentle yoga for body and soul... Get moving and grooving with a variety of standing, sitting and reclined postures. Class includes grounding and breathing techniques, as well as asana (postures). Principles of alignment and safety (bandhas) are also covered. We conclude with guided relaxation (savasana).

Accessible for all bodies and all ages, mats and chairs are available for You to sit on. Props (blocks, straps, blankets, bolsters) also available to assist in comfort. Open for beginners and seasoned yogi's. No experience needed.

Asha has guided thousands of classes for people with an array of physical ailments. Ze specializes in making yoga accessible for everyone in the room, regardless the range in flexibility and strength. Ze is a full-time yoga teacher, and welcomes any of Your questions and concerns (email us at

$10 - $15 donation suggested, but no one is turned away for lack of funds. Join us weekly, or drop-in whenever You can.  Classes meet in "The Gathery" - the yellow garage loft at 6143 Hicks Road, Naples..

Honoring our Ancestors
SUNDAY, November 3rd
3 - 5:30pm

Join us and Matthias and Andrea Reisen of Healing Spirits Herb Farm & Education Center for our 5th annual Pipe Ceremony honoring our Ancestors and Loved Ones in Spirit.  If you desire, bring photos of anyone you would like to include, and a dish to pass for a potluck following the ceremony.  We have exquisite, abundant Kieffer Pears to share from our orchard!  Matthias and Andrea received the teachings of this Arapaho/Paiute ceremony from Sun  Bear, a medicine teacher of Ojibwa descent. Please RSVP!

YOGA NIDRA:  Embodied Sleep

Sundays, September 22nd and 29th





Through the practice of Yoga Nidra, we will systematically relax the body into a deep state of receptivity and rejuvenation while resting into savasana (restful posture) for an hour!


In this state of openness, known as Turiya or Super Consciousness, we can receive guidance and plant seeds of intention.


No Yoga or Meditation Experience Needed.

Suggested Donation: $15-$20/session


Are You ready to explore?

Space is limited!  Register HERE!

Bountiful Harvest Share

Sunday, September 29th

2-6 PM, Potluck Picnic at 6PM, Yoga Nidra at 7PM




Come celebrate the season with us and take home gifts of orchard fruits, perennial edible plants, seeds and new learning and inspiration around permaculture/nature-inspired growing for your own home land! 


As the sun is shifting to a lower position in the sky and sunlight hours are shortening, the herbs, vegetables and orchard fruits are being signaled to shift. They are sending their energy to ripen the fruits and to complete the final flush of the new green leaves on the perennial edibles. This shift in our season reminds us of sharing with our community near and far; to share our nature-inspired work and to share our bounty of fruits that we have been grateful to receive.


We invite you to come to the farm - step into the herb garden, edible perennial and annual gardens and the orchard. 

  • Come pick unique fruits, herbs and vegetables to take home.

  • Divide and take home edible perennial plants and herbs.

  • See our nature-inspired demonstration sites in the orchard and garden.

  • Participate in demonstrations of creating a new fruit tree guild, time and back saving methods for putting gardens to rest for the winter, or preparing ground for new gardens come spring!

We invite you to share any OPTIONAL reciprocal gift:

  • Join in with the demonstrations while you’re here

  • Harvest your own fruits, veggies and plants (bring your own bags/pots!)

  • Bring cardboard boxes and/or brown paper grocery bags that we can use in the gardens

  • A suggested donation of $5-$20 – everyone welcome regardless of ability to make a donation

Fruits, herbs, perennial vegetables to share!  You Harvest/You Dig :)

A variety of Apples and Pears, French sorrel, Crosnes (Chinese Artichoke), Bee Balm, Mountain Mint, Apple Mint, Yarrow, Sweet Grass, Lemon Balm, Comfrey, Valerian, Chives, Dill Seeds, Coriander, Calendula Seeds, and more! 

You are also invited to bring a Potluck Dish and stay on for a Farm Picnic from 6-7.

From 7-8:30PM  Yoga Nidra class (suggested donation $20 and pre-registration requested as space is limited).  Through the practice of Yoga Nidra, we will systematically relax the body into a deep state of receptivity and rejuvenation then relax in savasana (restful posture) for an hour!  In this state of openness, known as Turiya or Super Consciousness, we can receive guidance and plant seeds of intention. No Yoga or Meditation Experience Needed. Register Here!

We hope you can join us for all of part of this bountiful share! 

2019 Summer Workshop Series for Teen and Young Adults

Nature Inspired Resilience

(Regenerative Systems for Food & Water)

-Amazing Permaculture-

at 10:00am-2:00pm on these dates:​

Thursday July 11

Friday July 12

Thursday August 15

Friday August 16

Join us and put your handprint on the finale of this 3-year nature-inspired program that began with teens in 2017! At each session, we will have fun exploring and learning cool insights from our extraordinary natural eco system! We will:

  • read the landscape and learn from the patterns in nature

  • install earthworks for water and food

  • understand nature’s way for edible guilds, the plants, and using our natural resources

  • hear about the principles from Permaculture that are used around the world to heal our land, restore resilient systems in any climate/location, and provide perpetual life-giving food and water.

  • Electives: edible perennial plant field trip and installing your own guild. 

Click Here For details.

NATURE NURTURE : A Reciprocity Retreat

Saturday, May 11th

10m - 5pm

Ever wish you didn't have to choose between caring for yourself

and taking care of the planet?

Join us for a day of deep learning by communing, creating, celebrating and

listening to and through Nature. Lean into community inspiration, divining direction
and purpose. Walk in wonder, sit in nature’s knowledge, discover new creature and
plant allies, share your becoming.  Make joyful sounds sipping wild teas and
speaking what rings true.  


Facilitators:  Forest Therapy Guide, Horticultural Therapist, Herbalist and Director of Shimmering Light Farm Deb Denome and Energy Healer, Artist, Spirit Communicator and Spiritual Counselor Pamela Hawkins

Sliding Scale Tuition: $60-$90 (Fresh spring soup and salad lunch included)


Registration: HERE

Danielle Ponder &

The Tomorrow People!

Fundraiser Concert

to benefit Herb Circle

Saturday, May 18th


More details and TICKETS!

danielle ponder.jpg

Flower Essence Therapy Course w/ Joseph Aldo, Ph.D.

June 1 & 2

Flower Essences are energetic remedies and one of Mother Nature’s many healing gifts to us. As our souls journey through this human experience, we encounter various challenges that require us to evolve beyond our limiting patterns, programs and beliefs. Flower essences assist us in a gently, loving way to move beyond our limitations and step into our soul’s greatness. Mental, emotional and spiritual issues can be transformed through the subtle powers imbued within flowers.

Learn more about this weekend course for lay people and healing practitioners

Self-Compassionate in Nature

June 8, 10am - 4:30pm


Have you learned a harsh way of relating to yourself that involves a persistent inner critic?

Do you long to feel more recognition and appreciation of your kind, loving, inner wisdom?

Make a compelling choice this spring to nurture some seeds you may have forgotten in your True Nature.   

Cultivate the sweet, soft but radical practices of Self-Compassion.


Join Sharon Mattson, LCSW-R and Deborah Denome, Forest Therapy Guide, and…

  • Relax in the warm embrace of the verdant, late spring beauty and vistas of the Bristol Hills.

  • Immerse in the Japanese practice of Shinrin-Yoku and feel the profound support of the Earth.

  • Dig gently into the soil of inner judgements commonly formed around insecurity and shame.

  • Find your seeds of self-compassion and learn practices that nurture kindness within.

  • Uncover skills to relate to the difficult emotions of life with tenderness and acceptance.

  • Absorb the nourishment of the natural world, your skilled guides and an intimate group of inner gardeners who will grow in Self-Compassion together.



Sharon is a social worker with 14 years of experience working in mental health.  Areas of interest include: anxiety, depression, trauma and loss.   She has found Mindfulness and Self Compassion (MSC) to be an intensely effective means to support healing and growth, both personally and professionally.   Through Sharon’s own experience participating in Forest Therapy, she has found these practices to be symbiotic companions for growing our compassionate, inner guide.


Deborah is a Horticultural Therapist and Forest Therapy Guide whose greatest passion is helping people to connect with the more-than-human world, each other and our own True Nature.   Since 1997 she has served as Director of Shimmering Light Farm & Renewal Center and in 2016 launched Finger Lakes Forest Immersion to add more eco-therapy practices that are shown to lower stress, boost mood and immunity and nurture a sense of belonging and purpose. 



$65 - $95 Sliding Scale, your choice.  This full day workshop includes a garden fresh lunch.


LOCATION: Shimmering Light Farm & Renewal Center, Naples, NY




White Pine Medicine

January 27th

1:00 - 4:00 pm


As most of the plant world rests in the winter, the Conifers stand sentinel, radiating Green through the landscape, reminding us of our own ever green nature and the certain return of a verdant spring.  


The Native people of this land did not have oranges and lemons and other vitamin rich fruit to keep them healthy during the harsh months, they had the Evergreens, with as much as 5 times the Vitamin C of oranges!  The White Pine was the tree chosen by the Peacemaker as a symbol of the unity of the nations of the Haudenosaunee confederacy and it is prolific here, offering us peace and health.

Come commune with the White Pine Grove at Shimmering Light Farm, savor some conifer cuisine and make & take your own evergreen medicines for the winter.   We will handcraft White Pine Vinegar, which conjures a woodsy balsamic and is rich in Vitamin C; White Pine Honey to boost immunity, soothe a cold and help expel excess mucous; White Pine Bath Salts for a deeply warming soak to melt away winter aches and pains, while sipping White Pine Tea and nibbling White Pine Shortbread cookies (gluten free and vegan :)  ).


Suggested Tuition Donation:  $45


Facilitator:  Deborah Denome, Herbalist and Forest Therapy Guide

Space is limited.  Register HERE!

Be Your Valentine

February 17th

11:30 am - 5:00 pm

​Join EatsAsana and Shimmering Light for an afternoon of Self-Love in Naples! 

Arrive at 11:30am, meet new friends and gather around a lunch celebration of savory, seasonal foods that nourish us on every level with Chef Mackenzie Zerniak.  Together we eat beyond the plate with seasonal ingredients hand selected from local farms, supporting our region and community members. Inspired by hibernation, we will enjoy ourselves with foods that warm our beings and sustain us during the cold winter months.

With a content belly, make like bear with your guide Deb Denome, lumber outside and hunker down for an introspective communion with the spirits of winter.  Forage for rosehips (bear food!) and white pine needles to steep into an immune boosting tea. Return to our cozy nest and immerse in hot foot soaks of wild roses, the flower of Love, Beauty and Resilience.  Anoint your heart with Wild Rose Honey and commit to loving yourself first. 

Just when you think it can't get any better, let Liz Laneri, Yoga Teacher and Massage Therapist, guide you in a 90-minute restorative yoga session of complete, blissful release, using props, pillows, blankets and the floor.  Like a bear after it has eaten a comforting meal, we'll take time to rest and digest. Winter allows us the opportunity to go inward, just as a restorative yoga practice does. This spacious time of restorative shapes gets us comfortable with our indoor selves, initiates a release of anything depleting us, and gives us the chance to rejuvenate. 

Self-Love Heaven!  Depart for home before dinner feeling absolutely enchanted in your renewed romance with yourself!

Suggested Tuition Donation:  $85

Facilitators:  Chef Mackenzie Zerniak

                            Deb Denome, Herbalist and Certified Forest Therapy Guide

                            Liz Laneri, Certified Yoga Teacher and Licensed Massage Therapist

Space is limited. Register HERE!



Past Events - 2018 & Beyond ...


Herb 'N' Apple Equinox!

September 22, 1-5 pm

An afternoon of herbal and apple delights!

Bring a blanket to share your herbal wares, or just come to learn and enjoy hands-on "make and take" activities.

Buy, Sell, Barter Fresh, Local, Organic Herbal products!

Make your own
- Apple Cider Vinegar
- Herbal Tea Blend, Bath Bag or Dream Pillow!

Press Apple Cider

Enjoy delectable autumn desserts (many vegan and gluten free)

Equinox songs and drumming in the herb garden!

Reiki Healing Sessions

Culmination of on-line auction featuring many local health and wellness products and services

$10 suggested donation (kids FREE) includes one “make and take” product, cider pressing, weed walks, talks and more.

Rain or Shine, we will enjoy the Great Barn or Meadow.

All proceeds support our scholarship fund for educational programming at our non-profit community farm. Over 75% of people who attend programs receive some form of scholarship assistance. No one is turned away for lack of ability to pay.

See you on the 22nd!


Nature Inspired Orchards & Gardens, Workshop

-Amazing Permaculture-

September 28 & October 12 (Fridays)


Planting guilds of trees and perennials; Pruning and autumn maintenance; Preparation of orchards and gardens for spring.

Nature Inspired Systems that Stack Functions, Workshop

- Amazing Permaculture -

October 21 (Sunday), 2018


Food, Biomass, Fertility, Heat, Conservation and use of Precious Resources. Construct Earthen Stove, Rocket Stove, Bio Char.

Fields to Forests Workshop

- Amazing Permaculture -

Trees, reforestation solutions and re-wilding fields; Ecosystem and habitat analysis; Seed planting; Nurture/protect wild tree seedlings; Field Guide creation; Living tree fence planting
Saturday, April 28, 2018


22nd Annual MAY DAY!  

April 29, 2018


More details coming soon!


May 12th & August 5th, 2018


Check out all the details here!


Nature Inspired Gardening Workshop

- Amazing Permaculture -

Swales on Contour, Spring planting of food, pollinators and various other supportive plant guilds.

May 5 & 26 (Saturdays), 2018

10am - 4pm

Nature Inspired Ponds Workshop

- Amazing Permaculture -

Analysis of living things found in and near the pond (Beneficial Bugs, Bees, Bats, Birds and Aquatic life); Pond water analysis; Construct habitats.

June 23 & 24 (Saturday & Sunday), 2018



July 27th - 29th, 2018

Learn more here!

Nature Inspired Ponds Workshop

- Amazing Permaculture -

Echo Machine design, plants, resources; Pond design, planning and decision making for inlets, outlets, keylines, swales, water stations. 

August 10 & 11 (Friday & Saturday), 2018



January 12 - 14, 2018


Already fantasizing about a New Year's reprieve?

Seeking guidance on the next steps in your life?

January is the perfect time for resting, renewing, and visioning the year ahead. 

Come gather around the fire and sink into the crystalline quiet while deeply nourishing yourself. 

During this spacious weekend we will connect with the spirit of Winter and its power to impart clarity in our lives.   Slowing down, feeling where we are in the moment, reflecting on where we have been, opening to guidance and visioning where we see ourselves in the coming seasons.  

Check out all the details here!

2017 Events!

November 10 and 11 – Friday and Saturday


Permaculture can help us design and interact with our gardens, orchards and farms in a way that is much closer to nature. There are tremendous opportunities for plants to relate and support each other. In this workshop, using our farm orchard as a laboratory, we'll work with various nut and fruit bearing trees to learn…

TUITION: sliding scale of $20-$60 includes both days

SCHOLARSHIPS: Full and partial scholarships are available to those with financial need.

WHO SHOULD ATTEND: Adults and students in college, high school and middle school who are interested in permaculture, gardening, orchards, small-scale farming, sustainable practices and/or water issues are encouraged to register early. No previous experience is needed.


Open House for the Community

November 11 – Saturday


The public is invited to Water Stewards’ open house presentations about phase one of our project, a progressive farm and water journey that began in April, 2017. Come see demonstration sites, gardens, orchards and art projects. Meet the instructors and students and hear their stories while also enjoying garden fresh hors d'oeuvres. Wildcrafted herbal products and handcrafted cutting boards will also be on sale for holiday gifts.

RIGHT ACTION MAN:Unblocked, Uncovered, Rediscovered

November 4 through 6 :  Men's Retreat

A Series of Profound Insights Helping Men Step Into an Authentic Life of Power, Passion and Confidence

Are You Part of the Next Phase in the Evolution of Manhood?

Present  Mindful  Aware  Loving  Powerful  Leader  Intuitive

 Collaborative  Decisive

A New Generation of Men Has Emerged

Visit our Retreats Page for all the Details, Registration, Tuition, Facilitator, etc!


Saturday, September 30th

2pm - 10pm

Come celebrate the Bountiful Harvest and support local agriculture, education and Shimmering Light Farm & Renewal Center!

Harvest Festival 2-6pm
- Free Herbcrafts, Cider pressing and Honey extraction
- Make & Take Fermented Veggies Class 3-4pm, $12
- Free Shinrin-Yoku Forest Bathing Walk at 4:30pm
- Delicious Harvest Meal and Ethnic Desserts available for purchase
- Silent and Live Auction beginning at 6pm

Barn/Contra Dance 7-10pm
- Live Music by Lake Effect, featuring Chuck Abel of Tempest
- Instruction/Calling by David Smuckler
- Adults $12;  Juniors age 6-17 $5;  Kids 5 and under free
- No experience necessary, great fun for all ages!

Tickets available at the door.


Wednesdays September 13, 20 and 27

6:30 - 8:00pm

Come join us in September for Mindfulness Meditation as practiced in the joyful, nature-inspired tradition of Thich Nhat Hanh. Mindfulness is the energy of being aware and awake to the present moment. Thich Nhat Hanh's key teaching is that, through mindfulness, we can learn to live happily in the present moment—the only way to truly develop peace, both in one’s self and in the world.

We will practice seated, guided and walking meditation as well as the practices of Touching the Earth and Deep Relaxation.  Meditation will be lead by Diane Rennie who has practiced with the Blooming Lilac Sangha in Rochester since 2002 and has attended retreats lead by Thich Nhat Hanh, other monastics and Dharma teachers in this tradition.

TUITION:  No fee - Donations appreciated

LOCATION:  Group meets at 6143 Hicks Road, Naples, in the yellow Renewal House, next to the yellow garage.

October 8 & 9 – Sunday & Monday


Permaculture principles and techniques can help us create incredibly rich, resilient and nature-inspired gardens and farms. In this 2-day workshop, with ample hands-on and direct learning, we'll explore effective ways to incorporate permaculture at home, including... 


TUITION: sliding scale of $20-$60 includes both days


SCHOLARSHIPS: Full and partial scholarships are available to those with financial need.


WHO SHOULD ATTEND: Adults and students in college, high school and middle school who are interested in permaculture, gardening, orchards, small-scale farming, sustainable practices and/or water issues are encouraged to register early. No previous experience is needed.






One Saturday/month, October 2017 - June 2018

ORIENTATION: October 21st, noon - 6pm

Earth Arts of Ithaca and Shimmering Light are collaborating to bring the Bristol Hills Sisters of the Forest & Mama Bears, a joyful girls-and-women-only space designed to support, honor, develop, and celebrate the gifts of girls/young women ages 9 and older. This program is based on a program that has been running in the Ithaca area, which is now in it’s 14th rich, fun, life-changing year!

Click here for all the details, dates and tuition!

Make Your Own Leather Pouch

Saturday, May 27th, 9:30am – 12:30pm


Make Your Own Leather Pouch ~ Medicine bag, small purse, cell phone holder… decide...


Medicine bags have been known in all cultures and throughout all of history.  Traditionally they have been worn on the body, around the neck or waist, and have carried items that represent the sacred or holy to the wearer.  They can be very small – as small as an inch around, or much larger.

We’re taking a contemporary twist on the traditional medicine bag – realizing that medicine comes in all shapes and sizes for different people.  Looking for a personalized pouch, change purse, holder or medicine bag?

In this family-friendly half-day workshop, join us and craft your own unique leather bag in any number of styles to be worn around your neck, shoulder or waist.  We will provide simple patterns, guidance, tools, and the up-cycled leather, beads, buttons and findings from nature such as feathers, herbs, bones, stones, etc.   You provide the hand-crafted love.

Once finished, your new hand-crafted-by-you bag is ready for farmer’s market money, small festival finds, your cell phone or more traditional “medicine” like small photos or mementos of loved ones or ancestors; animal totems; herbal allies; symbols of things you wish to manifest in your world; blessings, mantras, poems; really, whatever your intuition guides you to include.

Open to men, women, families (all children must be accompanied by an adult)

DATE: May 27, 2017 9:30a-12:30p, Rain or shine

​ADVANCE REGISTRATION: Requested by May 24th.

​SUGGESTED TUITION: $35 per person includes materials and snacks; Additional family members receive a $5 discount.

​FACILITATORS: Melissa Kelly-McCabe and Deborah Denome (see bio here)



Come to Your Senses: Yoga & Shinrin-Yoku

June 11, 2017

10am - 5pm

A full day yoga & shinrin-yoku forest therapy retreat with Joan Ruffels and Deb Denome.

Come rest your mind as your senses expand and become one with nature.  We will integrate the practice of shinrin-yoku forest therapy with all-levels yoga in the exquisite forests above Canandaigua Lake. 

This spacious day will include opening yoga at Shimmering Light Farm & Renewal Center, an introduction to shinrin-yoku, delectable vegan lunch and an enchanting long afternoon immersed in the Presence of the forest.  There we will engage in invitations that absorb us in the sights, sounds, aromas, sensations and wisdom of the trees, streams, sun, sky and wildlife.  

Harmonize body, mind and spirit through weaving yoga postures, breathwork and mantras into our connection with the natural elements and the source of all life.  Find peace and Presence within as you feel at one with nature.  Emerge with greater clarity, stability and expanded awareness through integrating yoga with the wonder of the forest.

​ADVANCE REGISTRATION: Requested by June 5th

​SUGGESTED TUITION: $75-$125 per person (you choose) includes vegan lunch

​FACILITATORS: Joan Ruffels and Deb Denome (see bios here)

Register here!

The Inayati Order: Introduction to Sufism

July 15, 2017

10am - 5pm

Join us for an introductory day to the Inayati Order, a Sufi Path of Spiritual Liberty.  Spirituality – also called “mysticism” - is intrinsic to our being.  It is that longing which drives our search for life’s purpose and meaning, and our thirst for connection with each other.  It is that which is greater than ourselves, not dogmatic religion, sterile science or overly intellectual philosophy, and it incorporates all aspects of human endeavors.  The Inayati Order is a modern mystical Sufi path not tied to any religion, though it honors its roots; nor is it dogmatic and  static.  This evolution of Sufism was brought to the West from India by Inayat Khan, its founder and for whom it is now named.


You will experience: An overview of 6 major aspects of this path: The Esoteric School (inner development), Healing (spiritual and distance), Universal Worship (a candle lighting ceremony), Kinship (helping others), Ziraat (a symbolic ritual for attunement with nature and our mind), and the Knighthood of Purity (ethical development).  The associated activity of Dances of Universal Peace, also known as Sufi Dancing, will also be introduced.  There will be time for questions and more information about how to explore Inayati Order Sufism further.


ADVANCE REGISTRATION: Requested by July 12th

SUGGESTED TUITION:  Cash Donations Accepted, Please bring a dish to share for a potluck lunch

​​​FACILITATORS:   Rev. Dr. Henry Cretella, M.D. and Rev. Kathleen FitzPatick, LCSW; both senior teachers in The Inayati Order and ministers of the Universal Worship, local leaders in the Sufi Order of Rochester, and co-directors of Amber Light International, an educational/spiritual non-profit organization promoting wellness, spirituality and wholeness.

Cultivating Calm in Trying Times

August 2nd (Wed), 10th (Thurs), 16th (Wed), 23rd (Wed)


People have long been asking us to offer a meditation group at Shimmering Light Farm & Renewal Center and it is finally commencing!  Every 4-8 weeks we will explore a different form of mindfulness/meditation, commencing with a Buddhist perspective in August, led by Lynne Westmoreland.


Mindfulness is a lifelong habit that we can cultivate that brings us to a more awakened state of self love, compassion, awareness, and ultimately contributes to the transformation of society as Thich Nhat Hanh, among many others, teaches. Our ability to become skilled and loving in our communications, actions, and thoughts is something that requires only our willingness to open our hearts. Through the practices of mindfulness, tonglen, metta meditation, tikkun, and walking meditation we begin to open to the joy and miracle that is our life and we join that community of light, hope, and healing that is so necessary to sooth the pain and suffering in the world. Please join us for 4 sessions of meditation (or however many you can make!)  from 7-9pm on August 2 (Wed), 10 (Thus), 16 (Wed), 23 (Wed). All levels of experience from beginning to decades long practitioners are welcome. 


Location:   Shimmering Light Farm & Renewal Center, 6143 Hicks Road, Naples.  Loft of yellow garage aka emerging education center.


Tuition:  Donations are welcome

Facilitator:  Lynne Westmoreland has been a Buddhist practitioner for the last 17 years. She is fortunate to have studied for several years with Ahn-Houng Nguyen (ordained by Thich Nhat Hanh 20 years ago), and also Pema Chodron and Anam Thubten, who are teachers in the Tibetan tradition of Buddhism. 

Advance Registration Requested.  To Register, please email Lynne

​​​Come to Your Senses: Yoga & Shinrin-Yoku

August 13, 2017

1pm - 5pm

A half day yoga & shinrin-yoku forest therapy retreat with Teresa Keyes and Deb Denome.

Come rest your mind as your senses expand and become one with nature.  We will integrate the practice of shinrin-yoku forest therapy with all-levels yoga in the exquisite forests above Canandaigua Lake. 

This spacious afternoon will include meeting at Shimmering Light Farm & Renewal Center, an introduction to shinrin-yoku, an enchanting long afternoon immersed in the Presence of the forest (and hopefully a waterfall, water levels permitting!), vegan snakcs and tea ceremony of foraged plants.


We we will engage in invitations that absorb us in the sights, sounds, aromas, sensations and wisdom of the trees, streams, sun, sky and wildlife.  Weaving yoga postures, breathwork and mantras we'll harmonize our connection with the natural elements and the source of all life.  Find peace and Presence within as you feel at one with the wonder of the forest

​ADVANCE REGISTRATION: Requested by August 10th

​SUGGESTED TUITION: $45-$65 per person (you choose) includes vegan snacks and tea ceremony

​FACILITATORS: Teresa Keyes and Deb Denome (see bios here)

Register here!



Saturday, April 29th



This 90 minute class will teach you everything you need to know to make delicious Kombucha, a fermented sweet tea that has been revered as a health tonic for over 3000 years.  You will learn technique, safety and how to create this fun and flavorful, nutritious, probiotic beverage.  We will demonstrate the first fermentation process, which yields a great basic Kombucha.  And, you will learn the nuances of the second fermentation process where you can experiment with a variety of flavors.  Class culminates with a tasting of several delectable ferments!  


Suggested tuition includes a starter culture, a gallon glass jar, black tea and organic sugar, so you can get started with making your own Kombucha at home.  Folks may bring other cultures to share including Jun, which ferments green tea and honey.  Yum! 

 Join us for this fun and interactive class….. and learn to make your own Kombucha!


Facilitator:  Laura Villanti (see bio here)

Suggested Tuition:   $30

Advance Registration Requested by April 23rd.


Sunday, April 30th, 2017

2pm - 6:30pm

Founded in the spring of 1997, this 21st May Day celebration marks 20 completed revolutions of Shimmering Light around the sun! Join us as we gather to reflect on the blessings of the past and look forward with anticipation and gratitude for a fertile season of inner and outer growth. May Day heralds the lushness of coming warm months with a riot of spring flowers and blossoming trees. With the sprouts and blooms, we join in to celebrate and relish the greening landscape, warming sun and vibrant community.

New to May Day this year, we will have a special 20th Anniversary presentation and a fundraising auction of local holistic services that connect us to the Earth and our own True Nature, including forest therapy, reiki, massage therapy, our new herbal CSA, and more.

2:00 - May Crowns & Crafts
4:00 - Traditional May Pole
5:00 - Potluck Supper and 20th Anniversary Presentation
(bring your favorite spring dish to pass!)
6:00 – Auction of Holistic Services

What to Bring:
Chairs or blanket for the meadow
Herbs, flowers and/or ribbons for May Crown adornments
A dish to share if you are staying for the potluck

Ages: Families, Adults, Children with adults. Delightful fun for all ages, from the young’uns to the wise ones!


Where:  Shimmering Light Farm, 6141 Hicks Road, Naples, NY 14512

May Day Events are free to the public and we welcome donations from those who can provide. A fundraising auction after supper supports the many educational programs provided by Shimmering Light!


No registration required.

Rain or Shine (move to Great Barn loft in case of rain)


November, 2016 Events


Nature Renewal Retreat for Women

Friday, November 11 - Sunday, November 13

Between the hustle of fall and the bustle of the holidays, lies a quiet, tender opening in early November. By then the fallen leaves show the way of letting go of what no longer serves us so we can compost it, nourishing our roots and growing more fully into our joy, our passion…our own true nature.


Nature has myriad ways to support us in this process. During this weekend, savor a vibrant, plant-based diet from the garden that enables our bodies to take a rest from heavy digestion and offers refreshing lightness in being. Commence Friday evening with a delicious, local, raw foods dinner, herbal foot soaks and White Sage/Mugwort smudge to help clear the old and welcome new guidance through our sleep and dreams.


Awaken Saturday morning to fresh juiced organic fruits and vegetables that will further lighten our load. Feeling nourished, follow the call of the woods on a very gentle Forest Therapy Walk, a practice that is empirically demonstrated to decrease stress and anxiety, relax the body and quiet mental chatter, opening the way to receive Nature inspired wisdom.


Let go deeper still during an afternoon women’s sweat lodge, an ancient, sacred tradition of purification and prayer. Then relax into a quiet evening to reflect upon the gifts received during the day with journaling and a sharing circle.


Rest deep as Sunday morning brings the opportunity to create a powerful symbol of what you would like to welcome into your life in the seasons ahead. Put voice to your intention, giving it energy and the support of a powerful circle of women, a true force of Nature!


Facilitators: Deborah Denome and Suzie Garnsey (see bios here)


Tuition: $325 including lodging at Shimmering Light Renewal Center (double occupancy); $225 for off-site lodging


Advance Registration Requested by November 4


October, 2016 Events



Fermenting for Health & Vitality!  Your choice of 1 or 2 hands-on classes to learn to make delicious fermented vegetables and Kombucha…powerhouses of probiotics, nutrients and more!


Saturday, October 15

9:30AM – 12:00PM


Maximize your nutrition from our local harvest!  Join us for this hands-on, informational class on everything you want to know about culturing/fermenting vegetables – including the history, the nutritional value of it and HOW to do it.


You will leave with new knowledge, the inspiration to make cultured foods part of your diet, hands-on experience with making them, the confidence to make them on your own at home, and 2 quarts of fermented veggies (sauerkraut and a veggie medley).   You will also be treated to a tasting of a variety of fermented foods. Please bring 2 wide mouth, quart Mason jars with you.


Facilitator:  Laura Villanti (see bio here)

Suggested Tuition:  $35, includes farm fresh vegetables and herbs.  Please bring 2 wide mouth quart Mason jars with you. Optional farm fresh lunch $10. 

Advance Registration Requested by October 12th.

Space is limited





Saturday, October 15



This 90 minute class will teach you everything you need to know to make delicious Kombucha, a fermented sweet tea that has been revered as a health tonic for over 3000 years, You will learn technique, safety and how to create this fun and flavorful, nutritious, probiotic beverage.  We will demonstrate the first fermentation process, which yields a great basic Kombucha.  And, you will learn the nuances of the second fermentation process where you can experiment with a variety of flavors.

Suggested tuition includes a starter culture, so you can get started with making your own Kombucha at home.


Join us for this fun and interactive class….. and learn to make your own Kombucha!


Facilitator:  Laura Villanti (see bio here)

Suggested Tuition:   $20, optional farm fresh lunch $10. 

Advance Registration Requested by October 12th.


WINEMAKING 101: Make Wine for You or Holiday Gifts!


2PM - 8:30PM

Come make wine!  Connect with other wine enthusiasts and learn the basics of home winemaking.

2:00pm  Tour of the Randall-Standish Vineyards juice pressing operation, just across the street from Shimmering Light Farm.  They will be in full swing and we'll get to taste the different varietals and warm up for our own winemaking adventure. 

4:00pm  We'll head over to our other neighbor, Heron Hill Tasting Room at Bristol, for wine tastings and an early dinner of wood-fired pizza overlooking Canandaigua Lake. 

6:00pm  Return to Randall Standish for our private Winemaking 101 workshop.  Suggested Tuition includes the workshop, winemaking booklet,  and your own winemaking kit that can be reused for years to come.  Your juice will be an additional cost, based on what variety you order ($9-$17/gallon)

Each winemaking kit includes everything you need:  7.9 Gallon Primary Fermenter, Lid with Grommet, 6 Gallon Glass Carboy, Bottle Filler, Double Lever Corker, Triple Scale Hydrometer, East Clean Cleanser, Winemaker's Recipe Handbook, Auto-Siphon, Siphon Hose, Carboy Bung, Econo-lock, Bottle Brush, Corks & Plastice Spoon.

​​Facilitators:  T.J. Brahm of Randall Standish Vineyards  and John Gage of Gage Vineyards

Tuition:  $195 for 1 person; $265 for a  2 people (sharing 1 winemaking kit)

                    Juice is extra ($9-$17/gallon.  5 gallons makes ~ 30 bottles of wine!)

Advanced Registration and Deposit of $75 required by October 14th




9 AM - 5 PM


Since humans first walked the Earth, we were effortlessly connected to the eternal, natural, gentle energy of the Earth’s electromagnetic field.  For the last 70 years we have been insulated from it due to the rubber/plastic soles on our shoes.  Are you interested to learn to tap into the fast-growing “Earthing” movement to re-connect to this energy field?  Are you wondering “whatever shall I wear” when Earthing?


Join us to make your own (Earthing) moccasins and learn the theory, process and simplicity of using Earth’s energy to increase vibrancy and energy, relieve pain, reduce inflammation, improve sleep, enhance wellbeing, and much more.


In this interactive, fun and hands-on workshop, you will:

-       make a great pair of leather moccasins (beginners skill-level)

-       understand the simplicity and feel the impact of Earthing for yourself

 -      use a digital mulitimeter to measure electrical current in ourselves and our surroundings

-       eat a delicious local foods lunch

-       join others in learning, playing and moccasin making


Facilitators:  Melissa Kelly-McCabe and Deborah Denome  (read bios here)

Ages 16 and Up

Suggested Tuition $125 per person, includes workshop, lunch, leather, pattern and all supplies for moccasins.

Advance registration requested by October 24

Note: you can decrease your cost by $25 if you bring your own leather.  How could you bring your own leather, you ask?  Scour second-hand shops. They often have mid-length leather skirts that have just the right amount of leather to use. You will need two squares of leather – about 24” by 24” (smaller, depending upon your foot size).  (They often have other leather items, too…though mid-long skirts are the only item with enough leather for moccasins.)



Intro to Bow Making - DATE CHANGED!

NEW DATES: Saturday, November 5 - Sunday, November 6

(previously advertised as Saturday, Oct 29 - Sunday, Oct 30)

All Day

The Earthworks Institute hosts a two-day bow making workshop at Shimmering Light Farm.  Designed to put real skills in your hands and your phone in your pocket, this sleep away event teaches time honored techniques for carving your own wooden bow (self bow).  A tool of many uses, for thousands of years the Japanese have associated the bow with physical, moral, and spiritual development.  It is said that a proper understanding of the bow is synonymous with the pursuit of truth, goodness, and beauty.   With the use of traditional techniques and basic hand tools, you can learn the meditative craft of woodworking – a skill of a thousand teachings and one that lasts forever.   You don’t have to be eco-friendly to enjoy a couple days spent with nature.  By day we'll transform our skill sets as crafters, share songs and stories. By night we relax, enjoy good company and the warmth of a fire. We offer more than a lesson, we offer experience (and promise a better connection than Wi-Fi). At Earthworks, we teach people not only what it means to survive, but how to succeed in the real world. The only tool required is a willingness to try!
Arrive at 10am.  Max: 8 people (16 and over)

  • Basic –   $150.00

  • Camping –    Free

  • Bed –    add $25.00

  • All Meals –    add $25.00

Meals: Serving late lunchtime snacks, dinner and breakfast, we offer a vegetarian menu that includes fruit, granola, yogurt/milk, juice, coffee, tea, veggie burritos, salads, chips and more. We ask that you bring your own setting (bowl/utensils/mug) to help us reduce waste.


REGISTRATION:  Go to Earthworks Institute



Wednesdays and Fridays in May-October, 2016 

10:00AM- 2:00PM

Join us for Herb Garden Days with the Shimmering Light Herb Circle! This vibrant and diverse educational cooperative of people inspires intimate relationships with herbs, the Earth and each other. Together we grow in health, vitality and our own unique potential. The Herb Circle is learning community for everyone as we all need the wisdom of the plants and each other, no matter where our life journey has taken us. 


Suggested Donation: $20 includes garden-fresh lunch

Everyone is welcome regardless of ability to contribute

RSVP 2 days prior at



Sunday [date TBA]


Savor a three-hour gentle Sunday morning walk in the Temple of Nature. A breath-taking destination will support us as we catch our breath and receive our own inner guidance as reflected by the verdant woods, fresh air, shimmering water, dappled sun and plants and animals of our sweet Earth. The walk will be mostly silent with guided invitations to go deeper into the Present, the Gift that Nature offers us. We will each choose a quiet sit-spot for 20 minutes along the way, and later will share in a talking circle about the gifts received. This is an opportunity to learn from Nature about our own true nature. Nature Temple location will be determined by weather and number of participants.


Ages: Adults and teens, 12 & up

What to Bring: a hat/sunscreen, water bottle and snack if desired.

Please pre-register by 5:00PM on Friday.

Suggested Donation: $15 -  but any offering is  gratefully received


SEPTEMBER 2016 Events



Saturday, September 17, 2016

Come join us in celebration of the harvest! Share in the bounty of a garden fresh feast and dance with the folkrock, jamgrass, acoustic Americana sound of The Honey Smugglers! Silent auction and cash bar will be offered throughout the evening. 


4:30 Hors d'hoeuvres & Garden Mingle

6:00 Salad Course & Farm Presentation

6:30 Buffet Style Dinner & Dessert

8:00 Barn Dance w/The Honey Smugglers!



$35 - Dinner & Dance

$10 - Dance Only ($10 if paid in advance, $12 at the door if tickets are still available)


Limited tickets are available. Advance ticket sales only by September 15

July 2016 Events


wildernessFusion Introduction Talk for Healers

Hosted by Shimmering Light Renewal Center

July 5, 6:00-9:00PM

Please join us for this introduction to wildernessFusion. Karl Direske, founder and lead instructor, will speak about wildernessFusion and its programs. In these few hours together Karl will outline the school's offerings, including the seven-year NIASZIIH healing program, the primalpsychology classes, and the powerplace classes. Karl will also demonstrate a healing and host a Q & A session to address your questions regarding any of our programs. If you are interested in healing, or are wondering how healing might fit into your own journey, please join us. For information and to register:


June 2016 Events


Solstice Saturday, June 18


Rain or shine – Meadow or Barn


Join us to celebrate nature’s elements under the solstice sun! Come as your favorite Nature Spirit! Or make a mask, crown, wizard wand or fairy wings with us.


On-going all day: Local Food, Merry Music, Handcrafts and Sustainable Living Demonstrations and Knowledge Sharing.


Scheduled Activities:

11:30 Solstice Bonfire Lighting

12:00 Herb Walk

1:00   Pond Study

2:00   Dream Catcher Making

3:00   Earthen Cob Sculpture Making

4:30   Fire Ceremony & Drum Circle


More Faire Fun:

AIR ELEMENT: Bubble Making, Fairy Wings Making, Fairy Dust Potion Making, Wind Energy

FIRE ELEMENT: Bio Char, Solar Energy,  Wizare Wand Making

WATER ELEMENT: Rain Barrels, Rain Stick Making, Singing Bowls

EARTH ELEMENT: Crystals, Composting, Irish Music, Native Plants, Henna Art, Mask Making


Enjoy meeting our nature friends from Canandaigua Lake Watershed Alliance, Ithaka Institute for Carbon Intelligence, Finger Lakes Institute, Orgon Crystals, Solar & Wind FX, Amanda’s Gardens, We Are Seneca Lake… and many more!


$7 adults. $5 children. Ages 5 & under FREE. Admission includes many crafts & activities. Some crafts cost extra. Seasonal local foods, herbal products & enchanted items are available for purchase. Admission is paid upon arrival. No pre-registration needed.


Herb Workshop: NOURISHING OUR NERVES (aka De-Frazzle!)

Thursday, June 23


Chances are that if you experience stress, anxiety, depression, pain, irritability, insomnia, amongst other symptoms, then your nervous system could use some nourishment. 

Our nervous system is our primary interface between our body and the rest of the world! We can think of it like our antenna that helps us receive, interpret and respond to information from the world. When our nerves are frazzled, we are susceptible to lots of “interference” and disturbing symptoms. There are, of course, many ways to treat these symptoms. However, for long-term health, it’s most crucial to nourish the nervous system, rather than only treating symptoms. This approach will bring stability, resilience and calm into our lives! What a great feeling!!!


Join us to explore some of our wild and cultivated herbal allies that gently and steadily provide the nourishment our nerves crave.  Some of the plants we may find ready to harvest at the farm include Motherwort, St. John’s Wort, Lemon Balm, Red Clover, Chamomile, and Wild Red Raspberry. We’ll use some of these herbs to make our own tincture to take home.  Even using just one of these allies can create deep, vibrant change!


Workshop facilitator, Deb Denome has been reveling in her relationship with vibrant plant allies for over 25 years. She is blessed and grateful for her many herbal elders and teachers including the plants themselves. Deb is an educator, Horticultural Therapist and Director of Shimmering Light and the Herb Circle. She is passionate about inspiring more conscious and restorative ways of life.


Ages: Adults and teens, 12 & up

Suggested Tuition: $35

The Soil Meets Soul Saturday program is offered on select Saturdays throughout the year. Each program, includes three options: a morning session, lunch option and afternoon session. Attendees may register for all three options or as many as desired.


"Soil Meets Soul Saturday" on June 4, 2016 offers three options:


9:00-12:00  -  Herb Workshop: NOURISHING OUR NERVES (aka De-Frazzle!)

Chances are that if you experience stress, anxiety, depression, pain, irritability, insomnia, amongst other symptoms, then your nervous system could use some nourishment. 

Our nervous system is our primary interface between our body and the rest of the world! We can think of it like our antenna that helps us receive, interpret and respond to information from the world. When our nerves are frazzled, we are susceptible to lots of “interference” and disturbing symptoms. There are, of course, many ways to treat these symptoms. However, for long-term health, it’s most crucial to nourish the nervous system, rather than only treating symptoms. This approach will bring stability, resilience and calm into our lives! What a great feeling!!!


Join us to explore some of our wild and cultivated herbal allies that gently and steadily provide the nourishment our nerves crave.  Some of the plants we may find ready to harvest at the farm include Motherwort, St. John’s Wort, Lemon Balm, Red Clover, Chamomile, and Wild Red Raspberry. We’ll use some of these herbs to make our own tincture to take home.  Even using just one of these allies can create deep, vibrant change!


Workshop facilitator, Deb Denome has been reveling in her relationship with vibrant plant allies for over 25 years. She is blessed and grateful for her many herbal elders and teachers including the plants themselves. Deb is an educator, Horticultural Therapist and Director of Shimmering Light and the Herb Circle. She is passionate about inspiring more conscious and restorative ways of life.

Ages: Adults and teens, 12 & up

Suggested Tuition: $45

Suggested Materials Fee per person: $5


12:00-1:00 - FARM-BASED LUNCH - $10



This outdoor experience will focus on Nature's messengers guiding us everyday. Have you ever seen a hawk or rabbit and felt some inexplicable connection to its appearance in your day? Is Spirit guiding you, gently, but you do not always recognize the communication? By exploring the formation of tree limbs through the ancient Nordic art of reading Runes, to Native American animal medicine and more, we will practice deciphering what the grand Mystery is trying to speak through a symbolic language that is present, accessible and deeply personal. During our time together, we will handcraft a Messenger Card that expresses your experience using your sketches, writings and collage with natural materials. We may also find a stone envoy along the way to polish and take home.


Workshop facilitator, Angela Cannon is an environmental educator and author who teaches at FLCC in both the conservation and humanities departments, at The Forest School for Cumming Nature Center, and with SummerWrite through Writer's and Books. She is an amateur herbalist and wildcrafter, a NYS certified guide, and a writer/educator for deepening our awareness and relationship with Nature. Her monthly column can be found at Angela Cannon Crothers, "Nature in the Little Finger Lakes - Hemlock and Canadice Lakes."

Ages: Adults, Children with adults, ages 8 and up.

Suggested Tuition: $30

May 2016 Events 

The Soil Meets Soul Saturday program is offered on select Saturdays throughout the year. Each program, includes three options: a morning session, lunch option and afternoon session. Attendees may register for all three options or as many as desired.


"Soil Meets Soul Saturday" on May 14, 2016 offers three options:



Come, gather around the fire in the spirit of sharing and greet your companions for the morning. Together we’ll move to the table where we will handcraft a simple sack to hold our wild foraged foods that will compliment our lunch! The meadow calls us to come tune into our natural surroundings. We will explore quiet and mindful natural movements, native listening and an animal-like native stepping game. Inviting Nature and Creator to guide us, we’ll head to the woods and listen and learn from all that appears on our journey. The sounds, sights, smells, tastes and touch of Nature will open and inspire us to look deeper. We’ll identify plants, trees, birds, insects, animals, habitats, microclimates, guilds and other patterns. All along the way, we’ll receive gifts from nature and come back full circle around the fire for our lunch. The Earth is calling!

Ages: Adults; Children with adults ages 8 and up.

Suggested Tuition: $35 (contribute what you can!)

Registration requested by May 11.


12:00-1:00 - NATURE-BASED LUNCH - $10



Mother’s Day inspires us to gather together with mothers, daughters, sisters, aunts, nieces and girlfriends to Celebrate Breast Health. We will introduce some of our favorite herbal allies and wellness practices. Join us in exploring holistic ways to boost breast health through herbs, nutrition, bodywork, visualization/meditation, exercise and natural therapies. Learn how these can detox, build immunity, provide healing, and restore the body, mind and spirit. Also learn various herbal, nutritional and natural therapies that are supportive to the prevention, treatment and recovery of breast cancer.


We will gather violets and make a breast massage oil that you can use in your daily practice of learning your own unique and beautiful breast terrain. Herbal tea and wild green pesto crostini will be included. Handmade herbal products from the farm will be available for sale.


Workshop Facilitators: Sue Welch, is a natural health practitioner and educator who practices massage therapy, energy healing, global herbal treatments and offers wellness classes. She is a licensed massage therapist, EMT, holds a BS in Integrative Health and teaches Ayurveda internationally. Sue is a breast cancer survivor and has successfully used herbs and natural therapies instead of chemo or radiation for her healing and recovery. Deb Denome has been reveling in her relationship with vibrant plant allies for over 25 years. She is blessed and grateful for her many herbal elders and teachers including the plants themselves. Deb is an educator, Horticultural Therapist and Director of Shimmering Light and the Herb Circle. She is passionate about inspiring more conscious and restorative ways of life.

Ages 12 and up.

Suggested Tuition: $35   (contribute what you can!)

Registration requested by May 11

April, 2016 Events



Saturday, April 30, 2016


Shimmering Light


Join us as we gather with our abundant spirits offering blessings for a fertile and productive growing season, and share our gratitude for what the Earth provides! May Day heralds the lushness of coming warm months with intoxicating fragrances of spring flowers and blossoming trees. With the sprouts and blooms, we join in to celebrate, to romp outside and to relish in green grass, colorful flowers, warming sun and vibrant community. New to May Day this year, we will weave in magical fun for all and a few surprise activities to honor the natural elements that support our gardens and nourish our bodies, minds and spirits.


As dusk comes, WildRoot String Band will get your toes a tappin’, your eyes a smilin’ and your body a swingin’! Based in Rochester, NY the band plays lively, southern style, old-time music originating in the Appalachian regions of the Carolinas, Virginias and Tennessee. Our dance caller, Wendy Burwell, will expertly guide us through the dances. No partner or previous contra dance experience is needed.


2:00 - Weave your May Crown & a Wee Bit of Enchantment

4:30 - Traditional May Pole

5:30 - Potluck Supper (bring your favorite spring dish to pass!)

6:30 - Barn Contra Dance with Wild Root String Band and caller Wendy Burwell


What to Bring:

Chairs or blanket for the meadow.

Herbs, flowers and/or ribbons for your May Crown adornments.

A dish to share if you are staying for the potluck.


Ages: Families, Adults, Children with adults. Delightful fun for all ages, from the young’uns to the wise ones!



May Day Events from 2-6:30PM are free to the public and welcome donations from those who can provide.

Contra Dance: $15/adults. Children are free.

Funds raised will support scholarships for our educational programs.


Registration requested by April 27.

Rain or Shine (move to Great Barn loft in case of rain)




April 15-17, 2016

Friday 5:00PM – Sunday 12:00PM

Shimmering Light Renewal Center


Join us for this powerful opportunity to revitalize our winter bodies with a feast of nutrient rich vegetable, fruit and herb juices! Juice Feasting can allow our bodies and minds to let go and release what no longer serves us. Most people find themselves becoming lighter and brighter as we take in the pure vital energy of fresh juices that are readily absorbed into our blood stream. The weekend will commence with a vegan, raw foods meal on Friday evening, followed by juice and broth meals on Saturday, and conclude with a raw foods break-fast on Sunday morning. Throughout, you will be supported by experienced guides, new friends, lake vistas, big skies, plenty of rest, guided meditation, herbal foot soaks and gentle movement. Optional massage, energy work and reflexology treatments will be available. First time Juice Feasters should call for more information prior to registration, and all participants will benefit by adjusting their diets the two weeks prior to the retreat. More details regarding preparation will be provided after registration.


Retreat facilitator, Deborah Denome, has been reveling in her relationship with vibrant plant allies for over 25 years.  Her elders/teachers include the plants themselves, as well as Andrea & Matthias Reisen, Rosemary Gladstar, Angela Tiberio, Susun Weed and Rocio Alarcon. Deb has been leading Juice Feasts for 6 years.  She is also a Horticultural Therapist and Director of Shimmering Light and the Herb Circle, and is passionate about inspiring more conscious and restorative ways of life. 


Ages 16 and up

Retreat is limited to 8 participants.


Suggested Tuition - with Lodging: $350; without Lodging: $225.

Registration requested by April 12.





Tree Planting Ceremony, Tree-Based Dinner and Drum Circle Celebration

Friday, April 22, 2016

Shimmering Light Renewal Center


All ages are invited to join us in celebration of Arbor Day and Earth Day as we honor our trees. Come for all of our tree activities or a portion of them. The ceremony will remind us of the value that trees provide to the eco system and our sustainability. We will meet a few young tree species and give them a home at Shimmering Light. We will delight in the flavors, smells and nourishment that trees provide in a meal together. As a community, we will form a drum circle to send sounds and vibrations of gratitude to our trees near and far.


5:00PM  Tree Planting Ceremony

6:00PM  Tree-Based Dinner  $10

7:00PM  Drum Circle


Drum Circle Facilitator, Liz Hedger, is a Board Certified Music Therapist and Reiki Master. She enjoys connecting with people through the universal language of music and using a variety of modalities for health and healing.


Ages: families, adults and children with adults.

Tuition: Donations are requested to support educational programs.

Registrations requested by Wednesday, April 19.





Saturday, April 23, 2016


Shimmering Light Renewal Center


Meet our first spring ally plants and develop a relationship with them as we learn about their Greens and Leaves that will cleanse the blood, revive and strengthen the liver and support the lymphatic and digestive systems. In this hands-on workshop we will go into the fields to identify Dandelion, Chickweed, Garlic Mustard, Nettles, learn from the plants themselves and experience the ritual of harvesting these nutrient rich greens. We’ll then bring them to the kitchen and learn how to prepare infusions, vinegars and wild green pesto. Yum! Participants will take home their farm-fresh remedies, valued at over $30. Developing your own relationship with plants and making your own medicines adds priceless values to your remedies. You can make them again and again and they are perfectly aligned with your unique energy.


Workshop facilitator, Deborah Denome, has been reveling in her relationship with vibrant plant allies for over 25 years. Her elders/teachers include the plants themselves, as well as Andrea & Matthias Reisen, Rosemary Gladstar, Angela Tiberio, Susun Weed and Rocio Alarcon. Deborah is also a Horticultural Therapist and Director of Shimmering Light and the Herb Circle, and is passionate about inspiring more conscious and restorative ways of life.


Ages 12 and Up.

Suggested tuition: $45. Material Fee: $5.

Registration requested by April 20.



March, 2016 Events


Shimmering Light Spring Fling!

Saturday, March 19, 2016


Spring is on its way! Fling into spring, renewed and revitalized!


Join us on March 19th as we embrace seasonal change and celebrate new beginnings and rebirth! As we prepare to fling into spring with the approaching Spring Equinox, our program offerings will guide us to join with nature to revitalize our trees through pruning and to nurture our bodies and minds through spa and healing treatments! Following our day, after midnight at 12:30 AM, the Vernal Equinox occurs marking the moment the sun crosses the celestial equator (the imaginary line in the sky above the Earth’s equator) from south to north. This is when the sun shines directly on the equator and the length of night and day are nearly equal. As we flow with nature during these moving programs, we can then rest and awaken feeling renewed, epared and equipped to move forward into Spring.


Spring Fling: Tree Pruning Workshop


Saturday, March 19, 2016


Shimmering Light Renewal Center


The season is here for you to help your trees thrive through pruning! Learn how to prune all sorts of young trees, ornamentals, fruit trees and shrubs. This engaging workshop will include both indoor instruction and outdoor hands-on tree pruning experience. Learn the basic pruning cuts and systematic, easy-to-learn pruning methodologies. Participants will receive a detailed handout. Also available for purchase will be Dr. Luley’s book, The ABCs Field Guide to Young and Small Tree Pruning. Our facilitator, Chris Luley, Ph.D., brings over 25 years of urban forest management experience to this workshop. He is a partner at Urban Forestry, LLC and is an award-winning researcher, author and educator. Learn more:


Ages: 16 and over

Suggested Tuition Donation: $45

Registrations requested by Wednesday, March 16


If you are doing this event, you may also want to register for:

  • Optional Noon Lunch with a Suggested Donation: $5

  • Body and Mind Renewal Treatments with Herbs and Natural Healing Practices: $45



Spring Fling: Body and Mind Revival - Renewal Treatments with Herbs and Natural Healing Practices

Saturday, March 19, 2016


Shimmering Light Renewal Center


Immerse your winter worn skin in luxurious, pure, herbal spa treatments for you face, hands and feet. And renew your body, mind and spirit with Reiki, Chair Massage, Flower Essences, Craniosacral Therapy, Tapping (Emotional Freedom Technique), Mini Astrology Readings, Intuitive Healing and more. During your 3-hour visit, you will have a choice of 5 treatments! This deeply nourishing afternoon will also include herbal teas, treats and the fine company of other exquisite people such as yourself! Relax, revive and experience our cozy, new retreat house and the treatments provided by our local expert natural health practitioners: Sue Browne, Deb Denome, Jennifer Sutton, Kylie Baker, Kim Corpus, Gloria Critchfield, Luc Watelet, Wendy Burwell and more! 


Ages: 12 and over

Suggested Tuition Donation: $45

Registrations requested by Wednesday, March 16


If you are doing this event, you may also want to register for:

  • Optional Saturday Noon Lunch with a suggested donation: $5

  • Optional Saturday Night Dinner: $10

  • Optional Saturday Night Accommodations, and Sunday Self-Serve Breakfast: $35


February, 2016 Events 


Nature Walk: Interpreting Nature's Messages

RESCHEDULED due to frigid temps on Saturday, February 13, 2016



This outdoor experience will focus on the messages and messengers all around us everyday. Have you ever seen a hawk or rabbit and felt some inexplicable connection to its appearance in your day? Is Spirit guiding you, gently, but you do not always get the messages? By exploring the formation of trees and limbs through the ancient art of reading Runes, to Native American animal medicine and more, we will practice deciphering what the grand Mystery is trying to speak through a symbolic language that is present, accessible and deeply personal. A natural tea and snack will be served.


Workshop facilitator, Angela Cannon is a professional environmental educator, writer and daily walker with the Mystery of the Natural World.


Ages: families, adults and children with adults.

Suggested Tuition Donation: $10 per person. $30 per family. No one turned away for lack of ability to pay.



Friends and Family Yoga

Monday, February 15, 2016



Friends and Family yoga is suitable for all ages.  No prior experience required.  Come learn, relax and have fun!


Workshop facilitator and Yoga instructor, Jodi Simons Caruso is the founder and teacher at Open Arms Yoga. A fun, compassionate and understanding teacher, Jodi has been teaching yoga to people of all ages since 1999. By incorporating her yoga training, life experience, and passion for healing, Jodi provides a unique and diverse class experience. She trained under Francois Raoult of Open Sky Yoga in Rochester, apprenticed with Audrey Harpe of Yoga Bhoga in Hemlock, is a Certified Restorative Yoga teacher under Judith Hanson Lasater, and is a certified and registered Yoga teacher. Jodi is also a certified Inner Light Healer and offers private Inner Light Healing sessions and Assisted Yoga Therapy sessions.


Ages: families, adults and children with adults.

Suggested Tuition Donation: $7 per person. $15 per family. No one turned away for lack of ability to pay.




Natural Remedies for Cold & Flu Season

Monday, February 15



Join us as we learn natural approaches to protect you against colds and flus and strengthen your health during the winter season. Learn effective, natural methods to guard against cold and flu and to ease recovery. Focus on building your body’s defenses by using natural remedies that include making herbal teas and soups, water therapies, exercise, stress relief and hygienic practices. A supportive tea and snack will be served.


Workshop Facilitator, Sue Browne, is a healing arts practitioner, consultant and wellness educator. An herbalist & licensedmassage therapist, she specializes in herbal therapies, therapeutic bodywork and energy healing. Sue holds a B.S. in Integrative Health from the State University of New York & teaches community classes in natural health. She has worked in clinical medical settings and luxury resort spas throughout the US and Caribbean, and is an educator in Ayurveda. Sue is also a breast cancer survivor & successfully used herbs and natural therapies instead of chemo or radiation for her healing and recovery.


Ages: Adults

Suggested Tuition Donation: $15-$40. No one turned away for lack of ability to pay.




For the Love of Fire


12:30-3:00 PM  (ages 9 &  up)


If you had just one match could you start a fire?  What if you didn't have a match? In this workshop we will explore some of the most fundamental ways of making and sustaining fire.  You can expect to leave this workshop with a deeper connection to fire, and a strong trust in yourself to both make and care take it.  


Workshop Facilitator: Zach Sarkis.  Born and raised in the Finger Lakes,  Zach's passion and connection to the natural world has only grown with the dive into the realm of primitive skills and naturalist studies.  


Ages:  9 & Up

Suggested Tuition Donation:  $10 per person, $30 per family.  No one turned away for lack of ability to pay. 



Vision Board for the New Year




A vision board is a collection of pictures, images and affirmations of your goals and dreams.  Combined with intent, it is a powerful visualization tool for manifesting what you want to attract into your life.  Come create your own vision board to discern, energize and accelerate your goals and dreams for the year!


Workshop Facilitator, Sue Browne, is a healing arts practitioner, consultant and wellness educator. An herbalist & licensedmassage therapist, she specializes in herbal therapies, therapeutic bodywork and energy healing. Sue holds a B.S. in Integrative Health from the State University of New York & teaches community classes in natural health. She has worked in clinical medical settings and luxury resort spas throughout the US and Caribbean, and is an educator in Ayurveda. Sue is also a breast cancer survivor & successfully used herbs and natural therapies instead of chemo or radiation for her healing and recovery.


Ages: Ages 9 & Up

Suggested Tuition Donation: $15-$30. No one turned away for lack of ability to pay.




Winter Animal Tracking  

Wednesday, February 17



Course Description: Have you ever wondered what animals do in the winter? Follow footprints in the snow and learn how to identify the creatures that wander the winter woods and fields around us. We will be outside for a majority of the program, so please dress appropriately.


Workshop Facilitator: Deborah Clark hails as a local mama trying to change the world a little at a time. She has her A.S. Natural Resources Conservation from FLCC and she has training in early childhood education, development and care. She has previously done nature programs at Stoney Brook State Park and this past season was honored to work alongside Farm-her, Tanya at Shimmering Light Farm. Currently studying for wildlife rehabilitation license, enjoying time with her kids and critters, and planning next years garden.


Ages: families, adults and children with adults.

Suggested Tuition Donation: $10 per person. $30 per family. No one turned away for lack of ability to pay.




Interactive Discussion, “How Many Planet Earths Would We Need if Everyone Ate Like Americans?”

followed by a Plant-based Dinner

Thursday, February 18, 2016



As an introduction to dinner, join us for this interactive, eye-opening discussion. As global population continues to grow, so does our pressure on the world's natural resources. The need for cheap food has industrialized our agricultural system, thus completely changing our relationship with food and the resources necessary to produce such food. Through an interactive discussion and mathematical calculations, we will take a closer look at how our diet influences the demands on arable land and water. Following the discussion, enjoy a vegan dinner and learn how to make simple changes in food choices that will help promote a healthier lifestyle for everyone and the planet.


Workshop Facilitator, Tanya Rogers is our Farmer and program director for Shimmering Light Farm. She originally received an A.S. in Environmental Science from Finger Lakes Community College. Tanya then moved on to pursue a B.S. in Wildlife Science and a M.S. in Conservation Biology, both from SUNY-Environmental Science and Forestry in Syracuse, NY. Her original dreams were to focus on tiger conservation, although through her experience living amongst subsistence farmers in India, Tanya decided to take a more direct approach to conservation, through active sustainable agriculture. Land-use practices worldwide and our daily lifestyle choices severely impact the ecological integrity of our planet. It is through food, that Tanya hopes to raise awareness of our connections with the environment, the ecological impacts of our actions and encourage a more restorative way of life, one which promotes the conservation of all species, including our own!


Ages: families, adults and children (ages 8 & up).

Suggested Tuition Donation: $20-$25 per person, includes dinner. No one turned away for lack of ability to pay.




Shimmering Light Drum Circle

Thursday, February 18, 2016



Join us as we launch our community drum circle, a gathering of all types of people who come together to share in making music and a place where each person is an equal part of the unified experience. This can also be a relaxing and healing way to engage and connect with others. No musical training is needed as the experience is structured for success at any level. Bring your own drum, if you have one. A limited amount of small drums will also be available for use.


Workshop Facilitator, Liz Hedger, is a Board Certified Music Therapist and Reiki Master. She enjoys connecting with people through the universal language of music and using a variety of modalities for health and healing.


Tuition: Donation Only. No one turned away for lack of ability to pay.

Ages: families, adults and children with adults.




Birds in Winter

Friday, February 19, 2016

1:00-3:00 PM


Join Finger Lakes Community College (FLCC) Conservation Technician Sasha Mackenzie for a program on the amazing adaptations birds utilize to survive the winter months.  Enjoy a leisure walk to learn more about the winged creatures that live right in your backyard!  Make a pinecone bird feeder to see what birds you can attract to your very own kitchen window.  Please dress for the weather!


Workshop Facilitator, Sasha (Ewing) Mackenzie, has been working as a technician in the Environmental Conservation and Horticulture Department at FLCC for the past eight years.  Sasha assists with a variety of classes at FLCC, but a few of her favorites are:  Wildlife Field Techniques, Black Bear Management, Winter Ecology, and Field Study of Birds.



Ages: families, adults and children with adults

Suggested Tuition Donation: $10 per person. $30 per family. No one turned away for lack of ability to pay.




Red Tent Retreat

Saturday, February 20, 2016

10:00AM - 5:00PM


This retreat is now a one-day event! 


"How might your life have been different if there had been a place for you, a place of women? A place where other women, somewhat older, had reached out to help you as you rooted yourself in the earth of the ancient feminine...A place where there was a deep understanding of the ways of woman to nurture you in every season of your life."   —Judith Duerk


What can we learn when women of all ages gather together to tell our stories, share our wisdom, nourish our bodies and spirits, create ceremony and drum, dance, dream, relax and be free?  What can we bring back to our families and our community to make life more vital and fulfilled?


Throughout history, across the globe, women have gathered once a month to rest, dream and bask in sisterhood - in moon lodges, red tents, caves and homes - free of daily responsibilities and concerns.   What did they know that we have forgotten?  What if honoring our feminine cycles and seasons is a source of power instead of a curse?  What if menarche, menstruation and menopause (from Greek mene "moon," men "month;") are actually portals to our unique, feminine, creative life force?  - unique to all women (daughters, mothers, grandmothers) and for the good of all living beings, everywhere.


During this rich weekend we will:

  • Explore the biology of the feminine cycle (with the moon) vs. the masculine cycle (with the sun).

  • Remember sacred practices and plants that support our ever-changing feminine seasons from adolescence, through the childbearing years, to sage-hood.   

  • Nourish ourselves with deeply restorative foods, tonics, tinctures and herbal infusions that are easy, cost-effective methods to provide foundational whole body wellness, including fluctuating hormones and moods.

  • Soothe our skin and hair that has become taxed by chemicals, pollution, weather, hormones, stress and diets by using emollient herbal oils, salves, steams and soaks. 

  • Embrace the voices and wisdom of all the generations - from young women to elders- and learn different perspectives and experiences.

  • Reflect, release and celebrate the important aspects of our lives, shedding that which we no longer need in order to create space that nurtures life!


Deborah Denome has been blessed to journey through the phases of her life with a circle of radiant elders and sisters who have woven a blanket of wise and blessed truths.  She wishes this for every woman. Joining us will be guest presenters, Sherry Smith and Kay Megorden-Staten. 


Tuition: Suggested donation of $80. You can stay for dinner and the Full Moon Snowshoe/Bonfire for a suggested donation of $30. And, it you'd like to stay over, add another $30 suggested donation. Self-serve breakfast will be available. Please let us know ASAP if you are interested. We will indulge in self-care and share herbal rituals for supporting all of our cycles and transitions as women! There are 4 of us already...we have space for another 4 or 5. We'd love to embrace you there...




Full Moon Snowshoe, Hot Chocolate, Bonfire & Fireside Stories

Saturday, February 20, 2016



Come snowshoe under the Full Snow Moon and learn about the night life on the farm.  Then cozy up around a fire with hot chocolate and winter nature stories.  Snowshoes included.  Advance registration requested by February 17th.


Our guide, D.J. Kitzel, is a long-time environmental educator.  D.J.’s love for the outdoors started as a boy in the woods and on the waters of his native Irondequoit. Since then his outdoor experiences have led him to a season in Yellowstone Park, a dude ranch in Wyoming, trail work for the Appalachian Mountain Club, a thru-hike of the A.T., backpacking trips in Ireland, and a homestead outside Naples, N.Y. D.J. holds a Masters Degree with a focus on adolescent development and teaches at The Canandaigua Academic and Career Center, which is a Canandaigua City Schools program that provides an alternative educational setting for students in grades 7-12. 


Ages: families, adults and children with adults

Suggested Tuition Donation: $15 per person. $40 per family. No one turned away for lack of ability to pay.




Tea Tradition & Tasting – a Happy Earth Tea Experience

Sunday, February 21, 2016



Learn about the tea plant Camellia Sinensis and how high quality green tea, black tea, oolong and matcha are made. Enjoy tea prepared in traditional Chinese gong-fu style and learn how to whisk a great bowl of matcha. Experience the benefits that tea brings to the body, mind, heart and soul. Included in the tastings will be four garden-fresh, premium, organic teas from Darjeeling (India), Nepal, Taiwan and Japan, that have been selected directly from the tea growers (which happen to be the same growers and teas that the luxury brands, Twinings and Harrods London choose to sell).


Workshop Facilitator, Niraj Lama, is a tea expert from Darjeeling, India who moved to the US in 2010. He founded a tea company, Happy Earth Tea in 2011 in Rochester, NY where he currently lives with his wife and two children. Happy Earth Tea specializes in organic teas sourced directly from tea farms of India, Nepal and Taiwan. Lama believes in the profound simplicity of tea and its wholesome effect on body and mind.


Ages: Adults and youth, ages 10 and up.

Suggested Tuition Donation: $25-45 per person. No one turned away for lack of ability to pay.



Vision Board for the New Year




A vision board is a collection of pictures, images and affirmations of your goals and dreams.  Combined with intent, it is a powerful visualization tool for manifesting what you want to attract into your life.  Come create your own vision board to discern, energize and accelerate your goals and dreams for the year!


Workshop Facilitator, Sue Browne, is a healing arts practitioner, consultant and wellness educator. An herbalist & licensedmassage therapist, she specializes in herbal therapies, therapeutic bodywork and energy healing. Sue holds a B.S. in Integrative Health from the State University of New York & teaches community classes in natural health. She has worked in clinical medical settings and luxury resort spas throughout the US and Caribbean, and is an educator in Ayurveda. Sue is also a breast cancer survivor & successfully used herbs and natural therapies instead of chemo or radiation for her healing and recovery.


Ages: Ages 9 & Up

Suggested Tuition Donation: $15-$30. No one turned away for lack of ability to pay.




Herbal Footbaths: Nourish your Nervous System

Thursday, February 25, 2016



Herbal footbaths are a powerful way to release stress and tension and nourish your nervous system.  All of the nerve endings and blood supply in the body travel through the feet (and hands) so as we soothe the feet, our whole body receives the benefit.  Footbaths also encourage good circulation, dilating the blood vessels of the feet and drawing blood downward from your head, often alleviating stress headaches.  We will learn about and utilize nerve nourishing herbs such as oats, lemon balm, scullcap, lavender, chamomile, hops and more.  Come savor a deeply relaxing guided visualization while we gather around the fireplace, our feet soaking in warm healing baths of herbs.  Herbal tea and treat included. 


Workshop facilitator, Deborah Denome, has been reveling in her relationship with vibrant plant allies for over 25 years.  Her elders/teachers include the plants themselves, as well as Andrea & Matthias Reisen, Rosemary Gladstar, Angela Tiberio, Susun Weed and Rocio Alarcon. Deborah is also a Horticultural Therapist and Director of Seeking Common Ground and Herb Haven, non-profit educational organizations dedicated to exploring and inspiring more conscious and restorative ways of life.  She is passionate about the expansion of human consciousness, especially as it informs our Oneness with All Things, including the Green Ones!


Ages: Adults.

Suggested Tuition Donation: $20-35 per person. No one turned away for lack of ability to pay.




Rest & Renewal Retreat

Friday, Saturday, Sunday, February 26, 27, 28, 2016

Start at 5:30PM on Friday.  Concludes at 12:00PM on Sunday


Personal renewal is key to planetary renewal!  


Come decompress, rejuvenate and heal your mind, body and spirit while surrounded by the beautiful nature and tranquility of the Finger Lakes. Shimmering Light Renewal Center is the ideal place to detoxify from your daily life, restore yourself and find your rhythm. This weekend retreat provides a unique opportunity to receive nurturing and guidance in the form of delicious vegan meals, health talks, body treatments, and daily wellness activities in warm, relaxed, serene natural surroundings.


What’s included:  2 nights accommodation in cozy shared room. delicious vegan & gluten free meals, wellness presentation, movement & meditation, juicing & nutrition talk, evening herbal footbath, luxurious spa treatment.


Facilitator, Sue Browne, is a healing arts practitioner, consultant and wellness educator. An herbalist & licensedmassage therapist, she specializes in herbal therapies, therapeutic bodywork and energy healing. Sue holds a B.S. in Integrative Health from the State University of New York & teaches community classes in natural health. She has worked in clinical medical settings and luxury resort spas throughout the US and Caribbean, and is an educator in Ayurveda. Sue is also a breast cancer survivor & successfully used herbs and natural therapies instead of chemo or radiation for her healing and recovery.


Ages: Adults.

Tuition: $350 includes shared accommodations, meals, herbs and supplies. $225 for those with off-site accommodations. A limited number of scholarships are available.


Saturday, September 17, 2016


Come join us in celebration of the harvest! Share in the bounty of a garden fresh feast  and dance with the folkrock, jamgrass, acoustic Americana sound of The Honey Smugglers! Silent auction and cash bar will be offered throughout the evening. 


4:30 Hors d'hoeuvres & Garden Mingle

6:00 Salad Course & Farm Presentation

6:30 Buffet Style Dinner & Dessert

8:00 Barn Dance w/The Honey Smugglers!



$35 - Dinner & Dance

$10 - Dance Only ($10 in advance, $12 at the door if tickets are still available)


Limited tickets available. Advance ticket sales only by  September 14.

Order tickets here >





Your choice of 1 or 2 days of powerful herbal medicine!  


Saturday, 9am – 4pm   Create a Home Herbal Medicine Kit

Immerse in a full day of herb crafting, learning, and packaging local herbal remedies for you and your family.  The plants that grow around us are often the most powerful for supporting our health and wellness through every season.  Each participant will bring home at least $110 in hand-crafted herbal remedies and the knowledge of how to utilize them.   There will be a choice of many remedies so your herbal medicine kit can be customized for your household health needs.  $135 suggested tuition covers all supplies, garden fresh lunch, sweet herbal community, and the start of a priceless herbal medicine kit that you are sure to expand over the years. 


TO BE RESCHEDULED!  Sunday,  9am – 2pm

Sacred Plant Medicine

If you want to delve a bit deeper…join us on Sunday for a sacred medicine walk.  All around us grow lush, abundant plants that can support the most radiant health we’ve known.  During this exquisite day we will immerse ourselves in the powerful herbs, shrubs and trees that grow in own backyards, offering vitality, beauty, food, and medicine.  Each participant will meet at least one personal plant ally, and begin to develop a healing relationship with it. Our new knowledge will be woven together with ancient ritual for incorporating our vibrant green friends into our everyday lives.  These sacred plants can help dissolve stuck patterns, infuse new energy and restore clear connection between Earth, body, mind and Spirit.    $60 suggested tuition.


On both Saturday and Sunday we will savor wild foods and fresh organic lunch from our Shimmering Light gardens; our energy will smooth and rise!    We are always changing. With every interaction we are changed.  We are never the same in the evening as the morning we awoke. Engaging the Medicine of the Plants creates interactions that help us transform into our greatest selves!

Facilitators:  Deborah Denome and Chelsea Borowski (see bios here)

Suggested Tuition:  $135 for Saturday, $60 for Sunday  (includes all supplies and lunch both days)

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Shimmering Light

6143 Hicks Road

Naples, New York 14512

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